Oh Kale No!
This has been my GO TO salad for lunch! Super filling, full of nutrients and most importanty,d elicious.
Raw Spinach and Arugula (1/2 cup each)
Kale Chips:
Heat skillet on medium heat with a 1 tbsp of EVOO. Add about 1 cup of raw kale into skillet. Garnish the kale with a dash of sea salt, black pepper and garlic. Once kale is starting to cook, splash skillet with ACV! I like to cook the kale until it start to brown. That way it adds a nice crunch to the salad.
All greens placed on the plate.
Chopped Toppings:
1/2 cucumber (I eat a whole cucumber every day)
2 celery stalks
6 baby carrots
Red onion
A couple cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup black beans
*Option to add extra chickpeas, or whatever veggies you like! Pictured above I added purple cabbage. If there is avocado in the house, I will most certainly add a few slices on top.
I finish the plate off with garlic hummus! Either a dallop of it right in the center...or when I want to get fancy I'll place the hummus in a plastic bag, cut the end of the bag and squeezze it out--like picutred above.
Garinsh with crushed red pepper and parsley.
This dish is FULL of beauty-foods and will give your skin the BOOST it needs for this harsh winter weather. Honestly, aim to eat this salad 2-3 times a week and see the difference!